Cotton is one of the most important cash crops and accounts for around 25% of the total global fibre production. Cotton is also one of the most important commercial crops cultivated in India. In the raw material consumption basket of the Indian textile industry, the proportion of cotton is around 59%. It plays a major role in sustaining the livelihood of an estimated 5.8 million cotton farmers and 40- 50 million people engaged in related activities such as cotton processing and trade. India also has the distinction of having the largest area under cotton cultivation in the world i.e. about 126.07 lakh hectares.

JKAG team in Kharif 2020 has launched 5 new cotton hybrids for North, Central & South Zone

In North Zone: JK 9321 BGII and JK 9509 BGII hybrids. In Central and South Zone: JK 9501 BGII and JKCH 99 BGII (relaunch) in medium staples segment and expanded JK Nafaa BGII in extra-long staples segment.

Year 2020 Sales marked exponential growth in new products over last year and forecast to meet the target for 2021 and coming years.

About the author : DE-Eashwar-Admin

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