Very good plant vigour. Very tall (200-210 cm) Days to Maturity - (75-78 days) Long, good girth and compact panicle Tolerant to DM and blast diseases Non lodging and stay green at maturity. Higher grain and fodder yield
- Tall (Plant height 180-200 cm)
- Maturity is 72-75 days,
- Stay green fodder with average 2-3 tillers per plant.
- Tolerant to and lodging.
- Medium thick, very long (25-28 cm), clear exertion, conical and compact head with small to medium size pale yellow grain.
- Grain yield: 32 – 35 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 105 – 115 tons/ha.
- Excellent plant vigor.
- Uniform and tall plant height (180-200 cm)
- Days to Maturity - (72-75 days)
- Stay green plant type.
- Thick and very compact ear head.
- Tolerant to major diseases.
- Higher Grain and fodder yield
- Matures at 75-80 days.
- Tall plant height (200-220cm.),
- Good girth and long panicle
- Clear exertion, long and compact panicle.
- Bold and grayish grain.
- Grain yield: 35 – 38 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 100 – 110 tons/ha.
- Tolerant to lodging and stay green at maturity.
- Medium maturing hybrid
- 105 days maturity
- High grain yield
- High fodder yield
- Medium tall
- Long & well exerted good ear heads
- Medium maturity (72-75 days)
- Higher Grain yield – 45-50 Q./ha.
- Higher Dry Fodder yield – 110-120 Tons/ha. Stay green till maturity.
- Uniform and tall plant height (210-220 cm), Excellent plant vigor.
- Good tillering, 2-3 productive tillers
- Long (28-30 cm), cylindrical, very compact panicle
- Thick stem - Non lodging, Good seed set even at temp.>45 degrees
- Bold and light gray color grains, 1000 grain weight (11-12 gram).
- Tolerant to Rust, Blast, Downy Mildew, Smut and Mold.
- Matures at 80-82 days.
- Tall plant height (220-250cm.),
- Good girth and long panicle
- Clear exertion, long and compact panicle.
- Bold and grayish grain.
- Grain yield: 38 – 42 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 110 – 120 tons/ha.
- Tolerant to lodging and stay green at maturity.
- Tolerance to DM, blast, rust, ergot and smut disease RECOMMENDATIONS:
- Recommended for Bajra growing areas of Rajasthan, Haryana, UP, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra.
- Tall 220-250 cm in height.
- Late maturing hybrid (82-85 days).
- Lodging tolerance and stay green at maturity.
- Panicle length 26-28 cm with good girth panicle.
- Tolerant to DM and blast.
- Compact and medium bold grain.
- High fodder yield and suitable for both grain and fodder purpose.
- Slight panicle exertion was observed and effort will be done to improve through purification of parental line.
- Tall (Plant height 190-210 cm)
- Maturity is 73-76 days.
- Stay green fodder with average 2-3 tillers per plant.
- Tolerant to and lodging.
- Medium thick, very long (28-30 cm), clear exertion, conical and compact head with small to medium size pale yellow grain.
- Grain yield: 35 – 38 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 105 – 115 tons/ha.
- Tolerant to Blast, Downy mildew, Smut, Rust and Mold. RECOMMENDATIONS.
- Recommended for Haryana, Rajasthan ,WUP, MP, MH & KA.
- Haryana – Mahendragarh, Bhiwani, Shiwani and Narnaul.
- Rajasthan – Behroad, Paota, Delhi – Jaipur road, Alwar.
- WUP – Badayu, Aligarh, Atrauli, Kasgunj, Etah, Mathura.
- Very tall (230-250 cm) and robust plant type with 1-2 tillers per plant.
- Plant maturity is (85-88 days)
- High grain and fodder yield.
- Days to 50% flowering - (59 to 61 days)
- Tolerance to DM, blast, rust, ergot and smut disease.
- Cylindrical, long and compact heads.
- Grain yield: 40 – 44 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 120 – 130 tons/ha.
- Bold and grayish grain.
- Tolerance to lodging, and stay green at maturity. RECOMMENDATIONS
- Recommended for Rajasthan: SIKAR – Dantramgarh, Khatusamji, Ringuh, Palsana, Ranoli, Khood and Laxmangarh.
- JAIPUR – Renwal and Chomu., NAGOUR – Kuchaman. JUNJUNU – Navalgarh and Mukalgarh.
- WUP – Dholpur ,Morena and Agra and Bajra belt of MP.