JKBH 1486

Very Compact and Long Earhead with Yield advantage

JKBH 1486

Very Compact and Long Earhead with Yield advantage

  • Matures at 80-82 days.
  • Tall plant height (220-250cm.),
  • Good girth and long panicle
  • Clear exertion, long and compact panicle.
  • Bold and grayish grain.
  • Grain yield: 38 – 42 qt/ ha.
  • Dry fodder yield: 110 – 120 tons/ha.
  • Tolerant to lodging and stay green at maturity.
  •  Tolerance to DM, blast, rust, ergot and smut disease
  • Recommended for Bajra growing areas of Rajasthan, Haryana, UP, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra.



  • v Matures at 80-82 days.
  • vTall plant height (220-250cm.),
  • vGood girth and long panicle
  • vClear exertion, long and compact panicle.
  • vBold and grayish grain.
  • vGrain yield: 38 – 42 qt/ ha.
  • vDry fodder yield: 110 – 120 tons/ha.
  • vTolerant to lodging and stay green at maturity.
  • v Tolerance to DM, blast, rust, ergot and smut disease


vRecommended for Bajra growing areas of Rajasthan, Haryana, UP, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

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