- Tall (Plant height 190-210 cm)
- Maturity is 73-76 days.
- Stay green fodder with average 2-3 tillers per plant.
- Tolerant to and lodging.
- Medium thick, very long (28-30 cm), clear exertion, conical and compact head with small to medium size pale yellow grain.
- Grain yield: 35 – 38 qt/ ha.
- Dry fodder yield: 105 – 115 tons/ha.
- Tolerant to Blast, Downy mildew, Smut, Rust and Mold.
RECOMMENDATIONS. - Recommended for Haryana, Rajasthan ,WUP, MP, MH & KA.
- Haryana – Mahendragarh, Bhiwani, Shiwani and Narnaul.
- Rajasthan – Behroad, Paota, Delhi – Jaipur road, Alwar.
- WUP – Badayu, Aligarh, Atrauli, Kasgunj, Etah, Mathura.
JKBH 2301
Matures Early and Resistance to Disease and Lodging