Meeting challenges with robust innovations
- We understand and value the importance of seed research to deliver better products to farmers and strengthen agriculture of the country.
- The agricultural Research and Development at JKAGL emphasises on Genomics in crop- breeding.
- We have highly qualified scientists who rigorously work towards enabling improvement in quality of products that enhance yields.
- We utilize diverse germplasm collections and breeding tools to facilitate in meeting the objectives of providing farmers with crops best suited for their local environment with value addition of biotic and abiotic traits.
- The company has well established in-house crop breeding and biotechnology R&D units recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), state-of-the-art biotechnology centre for Genomics and other new generation breeding tools.
- The world class infrastructure supports 3 main research stations, 4 sub stations, 6 dynamic research stations, several multi location trial centres covering all agro-climatic zones in India.
- The use of BT cotton drastically reduced the amounts of chemical pesticides used on cotton. Our “X-Gene” Bt cotton technology is now commercially approved in Sudan, Ethiopia and Swaziland.
- We adheres to international quality control and quality assurance protocols to ensure best quality seeds to the farming community.
Research Objectives
- Our research efforts are directed towards applying innovative methods to deliver high-quality and robust seeds with strong adaptability to various regions in the country.
- Our strong R&D team works towards meeting the challenges and requirements involved in plant breeding and ensure healthy seeds with improved quality and higher resistance to diseases.
The plant breeding R&D facility works with the following objectives:
Objective oriented development in crops resulting in superior hybrids.
JK Seeds seeks out collaboration opportunities to encourage fresh perspectives and technological improvements that enable better quality seeds and yields.
A glance at our strong collaborations:
BSSKV, Dapoli for Rice Gambiaca Cytoplasm, IIRR for rice hybrids and IARI for extra long aromatic rice and Intelli Biotechnology for Dihaploid production in Rice.
Collaborations – Accelerating efficiency
International Research Collaborations
- Founder Member of ICRISAT’s Hybrid Parent Research Consortium (HPRC) for Pearl Millet, IRRI’s Hybrid Rice Development Consortium (HRDC) & NARVI-IRRI Consortium, and IMIC Asia-CIMMIT Consortium for Maize.
- Collaboration with ICRISAT on HOPE and Heat Tolerance in Pearl Millet, STRASA project of IRRI for stress tolerance in rice and NCSRC, Thailand for maize breeding.
Future focus – Way forward
Providing superior quality products that yield better and improve the lives of farmers is paramount to JKAGL’s success. In addition to ensuring a regular flow of qualitative products using innovative technology, JKAGL also endeavours to address future needs.
- Application of Genomic tools for Trait introgression
- Molecular Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB) Technique
- Faster development of inbred lines using Double Haploidy (DH) technique
- Development of climate resilient genotypes
- Bio-fortification in field crops like wheat and bajra, in collaboration with HarvestPlus.
- Microbiome and Bio-Stimulants for growing maximum with minimum input
- Breeding for vertical farming and indoor crops